Tuesday 8 November 2011

Island hopping.

We visited two islands in the past week Jules and Tent.  The experience could not have been any different.  Jules was a tropical paradise.  An island of dark volcanic rock in a sea of dirty ice.  Dirty ice is beautiful, white with lines of black dust ringing pools of clear blue water.  The sun warms the rock and there is no wind.  After we upgraded the weather station a few of us laid down for a nap in the sun while we waited on the helicopter to pick us up.  Tent could not have been any more different.  Continuous 40 mph winds whipped over the island.   We had to lash our packs to the tower to keep them from blowing away.  Volcanic dust that rose with every step is not fun in the eyes!  But, we finished in time and made the call to the helicopter barely catching it, five minutes later and it would have been on another trip earning us another hour on the blasted rock!

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