Sunday, 9 October 2011

Anyone got a spare truck tread?

  Today was eventful!  I had training all morning on how not to hurt the environment.  They take it very seriously down here.  There are no trash cans just variations on recycling bins.  Extra care is given to make sure nothing spills or leaks at all.  Overall its pleasant.
  We were securing masts out at Pegasus runway today.  Pegasus is about 15k out from McMurdo.  The way to secure a mast out here is to erect it, pile snow around it, then pour water on the snow and repeat.  Eventually it's a giant unmovable block of ice!  On the way back one of the treads on the truck started to fray and we limped back to base to the tune of a steady thump whump for an hour. 
  The snow today had the consistence of peanut brittle, in that it was brittle.  Not delecious.

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