Friday, 14 October 2011

Good day!

  Today ended well.  I am working on the chapels sound system and was quite frustrated.  I wanted to go home but my persistence was rewarded when a girl came in an practiced piano for a half hour.  I really enjoy live piano.  So I end the day relaxed and happy.
  It almost hit -40 today.  I always include wind chill because the numbers look lower.  Were had to dig out a shelter ski at Pegasus and even with chainsaws it was slow work.  It's such good fun to carve out ice blocks with power tools, almost therapudic.  My face almost froze again, but that is nothing new.  The mactrack only hinted at breaking down which is uncommon!
  Bummed I have to work tommorow and miss the chapel service...

1 comment:

  1. Live piano music with no competing sounds. That would be a treat!
